Caregiving Blog And News

Our Types of Home Care Services
If given a choice, many seniors today would prefer to age in place as opposed to going to an assisted living or nursing home facility. At Sunny Days In-Home Care, we can help make your aging parents’ desire a reality by providing quality senior care services from the...

Is Home Care Right for You?
Home care provides a practical solution for caring for elderly loved ones or family members who are disabled, suffering from a chronic illness or recovering from surgery. With the help of professional in-home caregivers, loved ones can age in place or recover from an...

Outdoor Activities for Seniors
Seniors who live an active lifestyle are healthier and happier in their golden years. There are dozens of safe and enjoyable outdoor activities for seniors that they can partake in for fun and fitness this summer. Here are just a few ideas to help you get started....

Benefits of Getting Outdoors
With summer arriving, now’s a good time to start planning outdoor activities you can do with family and friends. Summer is a great time to enjoy the great outdoors. Seniors, in particular, can significantly benefit from spending time outside daily. Fresh air and...

How to Have Tough Conversations With Aging Parents
If you’re having a hard time relating to your aging parents after you’re grown, take heart. You’re not alone. It’s not easy making the transition from being totally taken care of by your parents to caring for your parents in their elderly years. This role reversal can...

Five Suggestions for Better Communication With Senior Citizens
It is not always easy to converse with the seniors in your life, especially if they are your parents. Adult children often struggle to feel comfortable overcoming such a radical role reversal. Even if the older person is not a family member, generational...

Are You Drinking Too Much Caffeine?
How Much Is Too Much Caffeine? While caffeine can provide an often necessary boost of energy, it’s important to remember that it is a stimulant, not a nutrient and too much caffeine is unhealthy. According to the 2015–2020 Dietary Guidelines for America, published by...

Kidney Health and Awareness
There are many organs in the body that are vital to our survival. Even organs that are made up of a pair like the lungs and kidneys are vital and while it is possible to survive with just one, it is much harder to do so. That is why it is important to take care of our...

How to Succeed at Long-Distance Caregiving
If you live an hour or more from a senior loved one and are assisting with daily living, you are considered a long-distance caregiver. You may be a family member or close friend who cares deeply about a specific senior’s needs. Your role as a long-distance caregiver...

Your Heart Health Matters!
The older you get, the more important it is to care for your health and wellbeing. As a senior, you can expect age to take a toll on your heart and body. If you’re in poor health, you’re at even greater risk of developing heart-related problems and diseases. You can’t...