Caregiving Blog And News

Home Safety Checklist for Seniors

Home Safety Checklist for Seniors

According to the American Psychological Association, 61% of Americans over the age of 65 reported that they would prefer to live in their own home as they age. Though living alone can give seniors more independence and freedom, it comes with safety risks such as...

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The Difficulty of Taking Care of Aging Parents From a Distance

The Difficulty of Taking Care of Aging Parents From a Distance

Many individuals aren’t able to care for their loved ones because they live too far apart or because of the emotional and physical strain of caring for elders or people with disabilities. No matter the reason, Sunny Days In-Home Care is a great in-home care option for...

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Physical and Mental Health Effects of Family Caregiving

Physical and Mental Health Effects of Family Caregiving

When a loved one grows older and falls ill, sustains an injury, or undergoes a major surgery, the natural next move is to start caring for that person. Yet, becoming a family caregiver takes a lot of time, effort, and responsibility. Depending on the extent of your...

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The 4 Best Ways to Protect Seniors From Scams

The 4 Best Ways to Protect Seniors From Scams

In 2011, more than 25,500 older Americans reported sending $110 million to scammers posing as family members and claiming an injury or arrest in a foreign country. Elderly individuals are more susceptible to scammers who aim to take advantage of seniors’ sometimes...

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Tips for Staying Active for Seniors with Arthritis

Tips for Staying Active for Seniors with Arthritis

While painful joint inflammation can make their favorite activities and workouts difficult, seniors who have developed arthritis don’t need to give up their active lifestyle altogether. Individuals suffering from arthritis can still enjoy a relatively active lifestyle...

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Signs Your Senior Needs Help At Home

Signs Your Senior Needs Help At Home

If you’re living in Pittsburgh looking for in-home senior care services, consider Sunny Days In-Home Care for yourself, spouse or parent. Figuring out the best time to get in-home care for you or your loved one can be a difficult, emotionally draining process....

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How to Help Your Senior When They Can No Longer Drive

How to Help Your Senior When They Can No Longer Drive

In the eyes of a senior, taking away the car keys is more than a simple change in transportation. Those keys are a symbol of independence, freedom and strength, making many drivers reluctant to give them up. But, as seniors age, their eyesight, height and reaction...

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Sunny Days Provides In-Home Care for Veterans

Sunny Days Provides In-Home Care for Veterans

Of the approximately 21 million veterans living in the United States, thousands need assistance with basic daily activities. About 10 million of these veterans are reaching well into their 60s, 70s, and 80s, while another 2.6 million have recently returned from war....

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Sunny Days is Proud To Announce The Purchase of Daly Care

Sunny Days is Proud To Announce The Purchase of Daly Care

Daly Care has been serving seniors in the Pittsburgh area since 1995, offering respite care, home health companions, child care providers, and more. Their dedication to helping seniors stay in their homes has been unsurpassed as they have served clients in Allegheny,...

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How Seniors Living Alone Can Connect With Their Community

How Seniors Living Alone Can Connect With Their Community

For older individuals, living alone can often lead to isolation, malnutrition, misuse of medication, and undiagnosed medical problems like vision or hearing loss. However, living alone does not have to mean going through life alone. At Sunny Days In-Home Care, we...

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Our Vision: CARING

  • Comfort
  • Affection
  • Respect
  • Integrity
  • Nurture
  • Generosity

Our Mission

“To enable seniors to live with dignity in their chosen place of residence.”